2025 Session 2
The Rinks – Poway ICE offers Academy classes for the budding competitive figure skater. Each class has been designed to focus on a different area of skating, building well-rounded and strong skaters.
Session 1:
Priority Registration* opens March 3
Registration opens March 10
Registration closes April 5
*Priority Registration is for skaters currently enrolled in Session 1 of classes at The Rinks - Poway ICE
Cost, Priority Registration* - ON ICE: $188 for 8 Week Session - $23.50 per class which includes a 30-minute on-ice group class once a week, skate rental, and the equivalent of 2 FREE public session passes per week of classes automatically added to your DaySmart account.
Cost – ON-ICE: $272 for 8 Week Session - $34 per class which includes a 45-minute on-ice group class instruction once a week, and 2 FREE public session passes per week of classes automatically added to your DaySmart account.
Cost – OFF ICE: $124 for 8 Week Session - $15.50 per class which includes a 45-minute off-ice group instruction once a week (for skaters Basic 3 and above).
Wednesday Classes
Wednesdays - March 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30; May 7 & 14
- Academy 1
- Academy Spins 1
- Academy Spins 2
- IJS Spins
- OFF-ICE: Stretch & Flexibility Class
Saturday Classes
Saturdays - March 29; April 5, 12, 19 & 26; may 3, 10 & 17
- Power & Edge
- Advanced Power & Edge
- Academy 1
- Academy Jumps 1
- Academy Jumps 2
- Academy Axel
- Academy Double Jumps
- Adult Academy
- OFF-ICE: Strength Training
Class Curriculums
Skating Skills:
- Forward and backward power stroking [Pre-Juvenile Skating Skills]
- Basic consecutive edges – RFI, RFO, RBI, RBO, LFI, LFO, LBI, LBO (4-6 each) [Pre-Preliminary Skating Skills]
- Backward outside and inside three-turns (R & L)
- STRONG 2-foot spin (min 3 revs)
- Forward 1-foot spin with optional free leg (Usp) (min 3 revs)
- Beginning back spin (Usp) (up to 2 revs)
- Half Flip (1HF)
- Half Lutz (1HLz)
Bonus Skills:
- Alternating FO 3-turn – side toe tap
- Choreographic sequence – spirals, Y spiral, catch foot spiral, lunge, spider/layback lunge, shoot the duck, etc. (min 3 skills)
Skaters must have passed Academy 1
Academy Jumps 1 is a group class geared towards the skater who wants to deepen their focus on all aspects of creating successful single jumps, combinations and sequences, specialty jumps and beginning axel. Skaters will focus on the jump requirements need to compete at Aspire 1 and Aspire 2.This class will also include skating skill exercises to help encourage stronger jumping. Skaters will have the opportunity to work on their jumps on the line harness and/or pole harness.
- Waltz jump + Backspin
- Toe Loop
- Salchow
- Loop jump
- Beginning jump sequences and combination jumps
No evaluations will be given for this class.
Skaters must be proficient in all Academy Jump 1 skills
Academy Jumps 2 is a group class geared towards the skater who wants to deepen their focus on all aspects of creating successful single jumps, combinations and sequences, specialty jumps and beginning axel. Skaters will focus on the jump requirements need to compete at Aspire 3 and Aspire 4.This class will also include skating skill exercises to help encourage stronger jumping. Skaters will have the opportunity to work on their jumps on the line harness and/or pole harness.
- Euler (also known as a half loop)
- Flip jump
- Lutz jump
- Axel Prep
- Split jump
- Stag jump
- Walley
No evaluations will be given for this class
Skaters must be proficient in all Academy Jumps 2 skills
Academy Axel is a group class geared towards the skater who wants to deepen their focus on all aspects of creating and landing a successful single Axel, both from skating still and moving. Additionally, skaters could learn to put the Axel in combinations and sequences. This class will also include skating skill exercises to help encourage stronger jumping. Skaters will have the opportunity to work on their jumps on the line harness and/or pole harness.
Skaters must be proficient in all Academy Axel skills and/or have a consistently landed Axel
Academy Double Jumps is a group class geared towards the skater who wants to deepen their focus on all aspects of creating successful double jumps, combinations and sequences, and specialty jumps. This class will also include skating skill exercises to help encourage stronger jumping. Skaters will have the opportunity to work on their jumps on the line harness and/or pole harness.
- Double Salchow
- Double Toe Loop
- Double Loop jump
- Double Flip jump
- Double Lutz jump
- Beginning Double Axel
- Split jump
- Stag jump
No evaluations will be given for this class.
Skaters must have passed Academy 1
Academy Spins 1 is a group class geared towards the skater who wants to deepen their focus on all aspects of creating successful spins, including base spins and variations. Skaters will focus on the spin requirements need to compete at Aspire 1 and Aspire 2. This class will also include skating skill exercises to help encourage stronger spinning.
- Scratch spin
- Beginning Back spin
- Beginning Sit spin
- Backward crossover entrance
No evaluations will be given for this class.
Skaters must be proficient in all Academy Spins 1 skills
Academy Spins 2 is a group class geared towards the skater who wants to deepen their focus on all aspects of creating successful spins, including base spins and variations. Skaters will focus on the spin requirements need to compete at Aspire 3 and Aspire 4. This class will also include skating skill exercises to help encourage stronger spinning.
- Forward upright spin to back spin (change of foot spin)
- Beginning Camel Spin
- Forward Camel spin to Forward Sit spin
- Right Forward Inside (RFI) 3-turn entrance
No evaluations will be given for this class.
Skaters must be proficient in all Academy Spins 2 skills
IJS Spins is a group class geared towards the skater who wants to deepen their focus on all aspects of creating successful spins based on the IJS rules and increasing spin levels in competition. Skaters will learn the building blocks of how to create a technically great spin through the International Judging System (IJS) requirements. This class will also include skating skill exercises to help encourage stronger spinning.
- Forward Layback spin
- Beginning Backward Sit spin
- Beginning Backward Camel Spin
- Combination spins
- Variations of positions
- Beginning Star entrance
No evaluations will be given for this class.
Skaters must have passed the Pre-Preliminary Skating Skills test or equivalent skill level
Skaters will learn, practice and focus on turn recognition, transitional quality, balance, body alignment, creative movement, and flow while utilizing every part of the blade.
- Strengthen Forward and Backward crossovers
- Turns sequences (3-turns, brackets)
- Step sequences(c-step, s-step, beginning twizzles)
Drop ins welcome!
No evaluations will be given for this class.
Skaters must have passed the Pre-Juvenile Skating Skills test
Skaters will learn, practice and focus on turn recognition, transitional quality, balance, body alignment, creative movement, and flow while utilizing every part of the blade.
- Turn sequences (rockers, counters, brackets)
- Step sequences (s-step, twizzles)
- Use of choreographic steps (lunges, spread eagles, bauers)
Drop ins welcome!
No evaluations will be given for this class.
Must have passed Adult High or Adult 6
Skating Skills:
- Forward and backward power stroking [Pre-Juvenile Skating Skills]
- Basic consecutive edges – RFI, RFO, RBI, RBO, LFI, LFO, LBI, LBO (4-6 each) [Pre-Preliminary Skating Skills]
- Backward outside and inside three-turns (R & L)
- STRONG 2-foot spin (min 3 revs)
- Forward 1-foot spin with optional free leg (Usp) (min 3 revs)
- Beginning back spin (Usp) (up to 2 revs)
- Half Flip (1HF)
- Half Lutz (1HLz)
Bonus Skills:
- Alternating FO 3-turn – side toe tap
- Choreographic sequence – spirals, Y spiral, catch foot spiral, lunge, spider/layback lunge, shoot the duck, etc (min 3 skills)
- Example class topics:
- Strength exercises
- Cardio and stamina training
- Land jumps
- Spin positions
Drop ins welcome!
No evaluations will be given for this class.
- Class focus:
- increasing flexibility in hips and back
- learn stretches for typical areas of tightness to relieve strain
- practice healthy stretching practices to limit or negate injury from occurring.
Drop ins welcome!
No evaluations will be given for this class.
Learn to Skate (LTS) USA membership or a valid US Figure Skating Association Membership is required for all classes. RENEW your membership for the 2024-2025 season now!
- Membership is from July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025. Cost is $18.50
- Please save your LTS USA member number - it will be needed to register for each session of Learn to Skate
- 1 additional public session pass will be added to your account as a means of reimbursement for purchasing the membership
Session 1 - Wednesday, May 21
- For all levels of Learn to Skate & Academy. There is no makeup class for Off-Ice Conditioning & Stretch & Flexibility classes
- Make-up class time breakdown and details to be emailed with registration link from Kristen Perdue during the session
- The makeup session is available for skaters who miss one class and have not pro-rated their class enrollment
- There are no credits, refunds or makeups permitted, outside of the makeup class, without express permission from Kristen Perdue
- Login to customer account
- Proceed with registration for desired program(s)
- When finished registering for your programs, checkout of the shopping cart
- If there is a credit on your account, it will appear as an option to use for payment
- Confirm the amount that you want to apply
- Click USE CREDIT and complete the transaction
Please contact Skating Lead, Kristen Perdue, for more questions regarding level enrollment. kperdue@therinks.com
Join the interest list for upcoming classesMore Information
For more information, contact:
Poway ICE Program Office
Poway ICE Skating School Lead – Kristen Perdue
The Rinks Figure Skating Director – Alex Chang