Adult League Rules

Game Format & Rules

  1. Check-In All players must adhere to all rink check in policies when entering the building
  2. USA Hockey Rules (Head Contact Rule: 2min plus a 10 min misconduct for any contact to another player’s head)
  3. Player/Team Stats- Suspensions and stats are accessible through our website. Please check Kreezee for the most updated schedules, standings, suspensions, and player
  4. Three (14) minute periods-stop time (League reserves the right to adjust period length due to ice schedule).
  5. Face off Locations- Nine (9) Dot NHL Rule
  6. Warm up- 5 minutes- Music played during warm up, and between stoppages of play. (NHL Style)
  7. Time outs- One 30-second time-out per
  8. Fighting- two game suspension-Repeat offenders will be reviewed by league to determine possible expulsion from all Great Park & Rinks hockey
  9. Zero Tolerance Conduct - Verbal abuse to officials/league administrators or excessive misconducts will result in league suspensions and will be reviewed by league to determine possible expulsion form rinks
  10. Jersey Rule- All players must have matching socks & numbered matching jerseys. Any player(s) not in compliance may be subject to discipline from the hockey department
  11. Excessive penalties- (5) in a game will result in additional game misconducts. Players with excessive penalties will be reviewed by league and possible expulsion from all Rinks hockey programs.
  12. Tie Games: Three-Player Shoot-Out (NHL Style) Each team will select three shooters; if the game is still tied one player from each team will shoot until a winner is determined. (Tie games will result in one (1) point for each team, winner of shoot-out will receive an additional (1)
  13. Rosters-Team Payment Rosters: All Players must play in half of the regular season games to be eligible for
  14. Individual Payment Rosters: NO minimum games played requirement- All players must be paid to be
  15. Sub Fee Individual Team Payments: $45 Sub Fee. Subs must play in half of regular season games to be eligible for playoffs. See attached for complete Sub Policy
  16. The league reserves the right to move any player at any time that is too strong for a
  17. First Responder league Format/Rosters- (Formerly-LEAF Police & Fire) teams may play 5 on 5 or 4 on 4 depending on roster size.
Tiebreakers & Season Standings

Most points, wins, head-to-head, fewest penalty minutes. (PTS, W, H2H, PIMS) * Effective in new 2021 season.

Checking (All Adult League divisions at The Rinks & Great Park Ice are non-checking)

If a blatant and obvious body-checking penalty is assessed, the offending player will receive a minimum (5) minute major. A Game Misconduct or Match penalty may also be assessed if the severity of the hit warrants further disciplinary action.

Match Penalty

30-Day USA Hockey & League suspension pending review: League reserves the right to levy suspensions up to and including league expulsion. All Match Penalties will be reviewed by league and


**Players who play on two or more MUST serve the suspension in the division/rink they received it before participating in any other “Rinks” league games. (Note) In all cases where a game misconduct is assessed, the incident shall be reported to league administrators who have the power to impose additional suspensions. NO REFUNDS. Please check Point Streak for the most updated suspensions and player eligibility.

Illegal Players

A player who not properly registered is considered an illegal player. If your name does not appear on the Kreezee roster (Kreezee) you are not registered. Any team that uses an illegal player will be subject to league discipline, including forfeit, captain/player suspensions and team ineligibility for league playoffs.

Sub Policy Guidelines (Individual Paid Teams)

  1. All subs must have a current Daysmart account
    1. Subs must have a current USA Hockey
  2. Sub fee: $40 paid prior to game to Hockey Staff/Lead/Box Office.
  3. Subs must be the appropriate skill level. All subs must be pre-approved by league with a 24-hour notice to appropriate league/hockey
  4. All sub players listed as Subs rosters and listed in score-sheet notes and check in prior to each
  5. Subs can only sub in on one team in the same division
  6. All Subs must comply with uniform rules (Team jersey).
  7. Subs must play in half of regular season games to be eligible for playoffs
  8. Sub fees are not transferable towards future prorated league fees
  9. Subs and players that receive misconducts or excessive penalties will be reviewed by league to determine eligibility within The Great Park & Rinks hockey programs
  10. Sub Goaltenders - No fee, although require same registration and appropriate rink account/membership

More Information

For more information, contact:

Poway ICE Program Office

Poway ICE Adult Hockey Coordinator – Andy Lumpiesz

Poway ICE Hockey Manager – Dean Wilson

Hockey Director – David Walker